Saturday, November 10, 2012


Maybe this doesn't bother you, but when characters in movies or books or TV shows do stupid things, I just want to throw something at my computer screen in frustration because they can't hear me telling them not to do it. The character inevitably chooses badly, their lives spiral out of control, the bad guy looks like he's about to win, and that's when I start skipping to the end because I can't stand the suspense any longer.

Of course, I have to remind myself that characters don't get all the information that I (the reader/viewer) receive nor have the added scope of an outside perspective and thus cannot make as wise of choices. Yet, as an audience, I wonder, "How in the world could she/he do that???" And then the wonder turns upon itself and quietly suggests to me, "Would you do that?"

Today I read the section in Ephesians about putting on the armor of God. The old, familiar verses I memorized while growing up struck fresh today when I came across this part: "With all of these, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one." (Ephesians 6:16). The verse particularly resonated within me in light of the Korean drama I recently started watching, "Faith." (My favorite actor, Lee Min Ho, has the title role...hence why I started watching it).

The underlying theme of the historical drama is, yes, faith. (I should have guessed that from the title...) The good guys are on the new King's side: him, the Queen, captain of the guard (and his men), and the doctor from heaven ( time to explain that part). The bad guys are on the side of the rich, evil subject Ji Chol: him, his family, and basically everyone else (his bribery and trickery are quite impressive). The King is trying to protect his throne with the help of the captain and doctor while the Ji Chol causes havoc and disunity within the kingdom.

The problem though for the good guys is that they lack unity. None of the characters trust each other enough to wait on any one plan and instead attempt to act on their own, which always ends badly. While the King has a plan, even his Queen refuses to wait because she feels she must do something, and so she secretly sneaks out of the palace to attempt her own mission (and nearly loses her life in the process...DRAMA). The captain of the guard does likewise, trying to enact plans on his own. Instead of helping, he just causes even more problems. The King in frustration responds, "Why won't anyone trust that I have a plan? Do you think I am that pathetic?"

As the drama unfolds, the enemy, Ji Chol, manipulates the people around him, playing on their insecurities and planting seeds of doubt. He twists words and actions to increase their mistrust of the King and each other. Skilled in the art of wordplay, he pounces upon their lack of faith and uses it to pit them one against another. He wins without ever having to step into the battle.

And I keep wringing my pillows hoping the good guys will for once trust what their King has to say and work together. Their faith in him is the only way to victory.

Reading Ephesians today, I was no longer disconnected from the characters, no longer on the outside looking in. How many times have I stopped trusting in others who deserved my trust, and how often do I act foolishly because I don't wait on the Lord? Too many times. Each time I mistrust God, I am telling him He's pathetic...I don't believe His plan for me is wiser and better than my own. And each time I do this, I open myself up to disappointment, hurt, despair, anger, and the consequences of foolish actions. I harm not just myself, but I also endanger or even hurt those around me.

Without faith in our heavenly King, we are lost. When we stop trusting, when we stop waiting, when we begin acting on our own apart from God, we put down our shield and leave ourselves wide open to attack. When does a wise enemy strike? When an army is at its weakest. And when is an army at its weakest? When its soldiers are no longer holding up their shields and weapons, be it from a false sense of security or from the belief that we can do it alone.

As I heard once in a sermon, the way to guard yourself is this: know the word of God; preach the gospel to yourself daily; study your enemies tactics; pray; and walk in godly community and confession. I know this blog talks a lot about continued faith and waiting upon the Lord. It may seem repetitive, but I for one, could use the daily reminder.


  1. we all could use the reminder. love you lots, mom

  2. There is lots of truth in your words. Faith is hard for those with little trust; and trust is hard for most of us since we tend to rely primarily on our own resources and effort. Trusting also requires vulnerability, and exposing ourselves to possible pain and disappointment takes courage. Thanks for your blog!

  3. Your post made me think of one of my favorite verses..."trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." May the Lord continue to direct your path amid everyday pioneering! love, Karen

    P.S. Come home for Christmas! :)

  4. We want a new post! We want a new post!
